A transcript is a detailed record of your marks or grades that has been generated by your current or former university. Usually, this will be a document, either on paper or online, with a list or table of the individual modules, papers, or courses you have completed with a numerical and/or letter grade against each. It may also give an overall grade for your qualification.
If you have not yet completed your current degree and/or do not have access to a transcript of your final results, you need to submit an interim/provisional transcript from your institution with details of the grades you have received so far.
An official transcript will often have a signature or stamp to certify it or be sent through a secure electronic sharing system like Digital. Self-service screenshots and/or provisional transcripts provided by your institution are also acceptable for assessment purposes if they clearly state your name, institution, qualification, and grades. A Higher Education Achievement Report (HEAR) can also be accepted.
If your institution does not issue official transcripts in English, you will need to provide both the official original language version plus a certified translation (signed and stamped by your institution or an official translator).
A degree certificate giving just your name and the qualification you received is not equivalent to a transcript, as it does not include detailed grade information.
Aside from language abilities, another key area in any Express Entry application for permanent residence and in assessing your ranking within your candidate pool is your education. For Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC, formerly Citizenship and Immigration Canada or CIC) to assess the validity of your foreign degree, diploma, or certificate, you will have to submit to an Educational Credential Assessment or ECA.
Upload the results of your ECA report to your Express Entry online profile. Keep all original documents and the original ECA report for your application for Permanent Residence which you will be invited to apply for should you qualify from your pool of Express Entry candidates. As well, it is a good idea to have at least another copy of your ECA report for your records and should it be required in the future.
Do not have the assessment agency (CES, ICAS, WES, MCC, or PBEC) send the ECA report directly to IRCC and Express Entry. It will not be accepted. It is your responsibility to include the results of the ECA report on your online profile and when you apply for permanent residence.
Post-secondary education is a must to build a successful Express Entry online profile and be invited to apply for permanent residence. Getting your ECA report to ensure your education counts towards your Express Entry application is therefore vital. It requires dealing with educational institutes, assessment agencies, and even Canadian provincial regulatory bodies, but it is worth the time and trouble. Start your Educational Credential Assessment as soon as possible and improve your chances of success.